Cremation Society of Greater Cincinnati
Cremation Services for Those Who Really Care
Cremation Society of Greater Cincinnati was created to offer cremation services to families who want to commemorate the passing of a loved one in a dignified and meaningful way. We are concerned professionals with the knowledge, skill, and expertise to arrange a cremation that exactly meets your needs.
We are committed to preserving the sanctity of your loved one’s care. Once we bring the person back to our facility, your loved one will never leave our custody. Most importantly, we have an on-site crematory, which means we guarantee the ashes you receive are genuine. There is no possibility any confusion will occur.
In addition, we will secure the certified death certificates and work closely with you to plan the cremation including visiting your home at no charge if that is preferred. We want to be sure your loved one’s cremation is a sacred and meaningful experience for everyone involved.

(513) 421-5777 Ohio
(859) 581-8811 Kentucky
We understand that it is not always possible to pay respects in person, & hope that this small token will help. You can search for your loved one using our obituaries page.
Making the right decisions is important to you and your loved ones.
Notifying relatives
With our obituaries and organized website, we can help your relatives find you in a time of need.
Benefit Guidance
Navigating government benefits is always complicated, especially after a loved one has passed. We're here to help you with medicare, social security, and veteran benefits, using our decades of experience.
Helping You Plan
We all make much better decisions without the added pressure of the grief process. We're here to help you plan ahead.
Cremation Cost
When considering cremation costs, it is important to understand exactly what you will be getting....
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Pet Cremation Services
We understand that your pet is part of the family and deserves the same care and respect as a human companion....
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Cremation Pre-Planning
The best time to plan a funeral is not when you are grieving the loss of a loved one, but when you are calm and can make the best decisions....
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Benefits of Preplanning Funeral Services
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Contact Us Today
822 York Street, Suite B
Newport, KY 41071
Phone: (513) 421-5777