Coping with loss any time of the year can be difficult. It can be particularly challenging through the holidays and entering a new year.
If you are finding it difficult to cope this season, here are some thoughts that may provide some comfort.
Give Yourself Time and Permission to Grieve
Grief doesn’t follow a clock, calendar, or schedule. Allow yourself time to grieve and give yourself permission to do it in your way. Grief is not irrational. It is normal. You set your own pace.
Accept the Emotions that Come with Grief
Grief is frequently accompanied by bouts of sadness, anger, and even guilt. This, too, is normal. While grief’s intensity may diminish over time, the emotions associated with it may not.
Remember, you have likely felt sadness, anger, and guilt before. You have worked your way through them.
Start a Journal
Those grieving can get caught up in a negative cycle of self-talk. You can interrupt this cycle by starting a journal to write down how you feel each day. You will soon discover some days are better than others. Talking with close, valued, and trusted friends can also have a similar effect.
When you find yourself in a loop of grieving self-talk, write down how you are feeling and why, or reach out to someone who cares about you.
Seek Community Support
Research and join a local grief support group or find one online. Look to resources like blogs or YouTube videos that may provide comfort. Each time you find a common denominator with a group or someone, it can discharge or lessen some of the intensity involved with grief.
Adjust How You Celebrate or Observe the Holidays
If certain traditions seem too difficult this year, adjust how you observe them or pass them by this season. People will understand. If you just don’t feel like “you can do this”…don’t.
Don’t Set a Deadline
While it is fine to head into the New Year expecting things will get better, don’t make a resolution or set a deadline for grief that may be unreasonable. Make resolutions about seeing friends more frequently or going to the movies more often. These are constructive ways to move forward.
Find Ways to Honor Your Loved One
Schedule an annual New Year’s lunch or have a customized ornament to hang on your tree. Make a contribution to charity in their name or volunteer during the season. Find ways to honor their memory through positive actions and activities. Perhaps these activities can reflect their values.
Find Your Path
Remember, your goal is not to “get past this.” It is about finding your path. Use rest, self-reflection, and connections with others to find your way.
In Your Time of Need, We Are Here.
If you are in the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati areas and do not have a funeral home that you can call your own, we would be honored to serve in that role.
For preplanning or in time of need, we invite you to reach out to the caring professionals at the Greater Cincinnati Cremation Society.
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